The Edwardian style is a version of the Victorian Eclectic style. Houses in this style took ideas from the mediaeval and Georgian periods, the Arts and Crafts and Art Nouveau styles, among others, mixing and matching many influences.
Houses had wider frontages so there was often more room for a hall; in larger houses this was even used as a living room. For example it would be furnished with a desk and perhaps even a fireplace.
The underlying themes of buildings and interior design of the Edwardian era were for expensive simplicity and sunshine and air. Colours and detailing were lighter than in the late 19th century, looking back to the Georgian era of a century before. The desire for cleanliness continued. As gas and then electric light became more widespread, walls could be lighter as they did not get so dirty and looked better in the brighter light. Decorative patterns were less complex; both wallpaper and curtain designs were more plain.
There was less clutter than in the Victorian era. Ornaments were perhaps grouped rather than everywhere. Displays of flowers were placed to complement the floral fabrics and wallpapers.