If you would like to write about Bricks & Brass, you are welcome to use text or logos from here. Please include our URL: www.bricksandbrass.co.uk
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These are sample descriptions of the site:
Bricks & Brass is a comprehensive resource for owners of 19th and 20th century houses, with an architectural guide, advice on caring for these buildings, useful contacts, books, a glossary of terms and interesting events.
Information for Period House Owners; we aim to provide comprehensive information on the architecture, design, and history of houses. We cover architectural styles (such as Classical, Gothic and Edwardian), features including walls, roof, windows and plaster, extensive advice on maintenance and DIY, companies offering products and services in our directory, books and events.
Bricks & Brass presents the history of houses in the United Kingdom built in the Victorian and Edwardian periods and later; A guide to architectural details and decor with tips about restoration and maintenance work. Contact information for companies providing essential services to the owners of old houses, such as fireplace restoration and encaustic tiles, and for organisations which can offer advice. Information about books on the history and care of period homes, a glossary of terms and interesting events.
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